
Intel loves Granny

Sent over by Rainer this morning - here's how in home monitors could detect behavioural patterns + alert us to emergencies


Team Thoughts: What should we focus on?

Thoughts from today's meeting, on how to pick focus areas:

1. What areas present higher potential in business opportunities? The re-usable-ness of our output is a key indicator when picking focus areas.

2. Market Reports: R&D spendings? Where are people investing? what are the opportunities for the next 5 to 10 years.

3. Refined Reform Plan: what opportunities it presents? what does it mean for foreign players?


Chinese Style Fitness

I sent this out before to the studio but gotta post it again here :)

check this out:

China laying the foundations for medical tourism?

Can China market itself as a preferred destination for medical tourism? When competing with strong players such as singapore, thailand, Korea, where is China's edge?


China moves toward healthcare reform goals

$2.9 billion to spend on healthcare reform from 2009 to 2011
"One goal of China's healthcare reform is residents not needing to travel far for care."

some history on china's healthcare reform:


People or Profits?

An excellent article for thought - does china's healthcare system really need a Western style makeover? What's the perfect solution?

PS: can we add a twitter feed to this blog? easier for sharing links!

Stampede for healthcare?

What do you do when there just aren't enough doctors?

Find out here


A few more reports

1/ Wiki on Public healthcare in China

2/ A study from the Economist here

3/ Report from the WHO on mental health over here

4/ More on mental health here

China country studies

Rainer's found this really interesting study on healthcare in China

.... Since the founding of the People's Republic, the goal of health programs has been to provide care to every member of the population and to make maximum use of limited health-care personnel, equipment, and financial resources. The emphasis has been on preventive rather than curative medicine on the premise that preventive medicine is "active" while curative medicine is "passive." The health-care system has dramatically improved the health of the people, as reflected by the remarkable increase in average life expectancy from about thirty-two years in 1950 to sixty-nine years in 1985...

Read the rest of the study here

Mind map 20110201


Gaps in detecting epidemics/ China

Despite advances made since the emergence of SARS and avian flu,China’s ability to detect new outbreaks remains “underdeveloped,” a leading Chinese health official acknowledged last week

Read the rest of the story here

PSFK Future of Healthcare

PSFK's prepared a report for the UNICEF on the future of healthcare.

Full report can be accessed here:

Here's an extract from the report:

In the first half of the Future of Health Report, PSFK provides an analysis of the trends impacting healthcare around the world. We explore this future from the perspective of organizations, patients, healthcare providers and communities. We also highlight how technology and access to information play a vital role in the ways that people understand, manage and receive care. The trends identified within this document and the examples used to bring them to life are inspired by innovation from around the globe.

In the second half of the report, PSFK features concepts generated by the world’s leading advertising and design agencies in reaction to trends found within the Future of Health report. The parameters for the solutions were set byUNICEF, and were imagined with emerging countries in mind. Specifically,UNICEF identified the key challenges faced by community health workers around the world.

Future of Health Report details 15 trends that will impact health and wellness around the world. Simple advances such as off-the-grid energy and the introduction of gaming into healthcare service offerings sit alongside more future-forward developments such as bio-medical printing. It is our hope that this report will inspire your thinking and lead to services, applications and technologies that will allow for more available, quality healthcare.
